Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fear The Things That Can Destroy Your Soul

I made it! I am finally at my destination...well almost. I still have a long bus ride ahead of me, but for the most part, I have made it. God is beyond good.

This morning I was reading through the book of Matthew and was meditating on Matthew 10:28 which says "not to fear things that can destroy the body but things that can destroy the soul."

I am in a country right now where nothing is familiar. Uncertainty is everywhere. I look into the eyes of the people and see brokenness and hopelessness. People often ask me if I think my life is dangerous or if I get afraid because everything around me is so different and uncertain. But I am much much more afraid of remaining comfortable. I am much more afraid of destroying my soul as it states in Matthew 10. As I stated in my last blog post, becoming comfortable was all too normal for me and now I am choosing to live in the midst of uncertainty and risk because I am running from the things that can destroy my soul: complacency, comfort, and ignorance. I am much more terrified of living a comfortable life and failing to follow Jesus than I am of any uncertainty or risk.

Jesus called His followers to be a lot of things, but I have yet to find where He warned us to be safe. I believe we were each created to change the world for someone, to serve someone, to love someone the way Christ first loved us, to spread His light, whether that be in a foreign land or in our own back yard. Some days it is painfully difficult, but the blessings far outweigh the hardships.

The Bible is full of general direction as to how our lives should look:

"You are to find me in the least of these." Matthew 25:33-40

"You are to leave your earthly possessions and come follow me." Luke 18:22

"You are to love and serve The Lord God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:30-31

"You are to go and make disciples of all nations." Matthew 28:19-20

This is life to the fullest. This is where true satisfaction and fulfillment comes from. When we choose to lay down our own desires and pick up God's desires for our lives it will be the most rewarding. We will all one day stand before the God of the universe and give an account for how we used our time, gifts, resources and the Gospel He has entrusted to us. When that day comes, we will not be standing there wishing we would have made more money, watched more television and acquired more stuff. Instead, we will wish we would have given more of our time to loving people, serving people and making disciples of all nations.

I want my life to reflect God. I want all that I do to be for the glory of my eternal King. Yes, most of the time it is so difficult and I am still learning every single days what true surrender and abandonment looks like. But I do know that this is what I want. I want to follow God with radical obedience and I know He will help me with every step, even when I stumble and fall.

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