Friday, June 21, 2013

Believing in an Everlasting God

Hello again readers. I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. I will start doing better :)

I have been thinking a lot about change lately and how things can change with the blink of an eye. We live in a changing world; fashion trends, lovers, gas prices, hair styles, economy, weather, etc. With life comes change. With change, a lot of the time, comes fear, insecurity, sorrow and stress. A lot has been going on in my life lately. A lot of changes. Change is very hard for me. When things change in my life I become super uncomfortable and stressed out.

I started asking God what I could do to stop feeling this way. I really did not like the way I was feeling inside - fear, heaviness and sadness. I wanted to trust God and believe that He knew all that was going on. I had no control over the changes going on around me, but God began to show me that He does have control.

I turned to God's word. I know God's word is full of truth and it is the best place to go for answers. And God really gave me answers! Let me share with you what God was revealing to me...

He was showing me that even in the midst of change, He never changes and His love will always remain the same. And that is something I will never find elsewhere.  That is a promise I can always hold on to. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8
God also was showing me how His strength is unending. His strength never diminishes. Our human strength will fail and it has failed us so many times already. Our energy flows in and out more than a river. We are not as alert in the evening as we are in the morning. We cannot run as fast when we are 80 as when we are 20. Even the strongest amongst us must eventually rest. Lance Armstrong can maintain a bike speed of 32 mph for a solid hour! Armstrong lives up to the last half of his last name. He is strong. But at some point he must rest. His head seeks the pillow, and his body seeks sleep.

Our Lord Jesus is always strong. His strength is never-ceasing. Think about it...God never pauses to eat or asks angels to cover for Him while He naps. He never signals a time-out or puts the prayer request from Russia on hold while He handles South Africa. He “never tires and never sleeps” Psalm 121:4. Need a strong hand to hold? You will always find one to hold in Him. His strength never changes.

Need unchanging truth to trust? Try God’s. His truth never wavers. Our opinions as humans change like fashion trends. It’s good to know God’s does not. “The word of our God shall stand forever” Isaiah 40:8. And since His truth will never waver, God’s ways will never alter. He will always hate sin and love sinners, despise the proud and exalt the humble. He will always convict the evil-doer and comfort the heavy-hearted. He never changes direction mid-stream, changes the course mid-way. God will always be the same. No one else will. Lovers call you today and leave you tomorrow. You can depend on a friend one day, and not the next day. Not God. God is “always the same” Psalm 102:27 and "He never changes or casts a shifting shadow" James 1:17.

Catch God in a bad mood? Won’t happen. Fear exhausting His grace? It’s never ending. Think He’s giving up on you? Wrong. Did He not make a promise to you? “God is not a human being, and He will not lie. He is not a human, and He does not change His mind. What He says, He will do, He does. What He promises, He makes come true” Numbers 23:19. He’s never sullen or sour, sulking or stressed. His strength, truth, ways, and love never change. And because He is the Lord, He “will be the stability of our times” Isaiah 33:6.

God’s plans will never change, because He makes His plans in complete knowledge. Nothing takes Him by surprise. “The plans of the Lord stand firm forever” Psalm 33:11. God never changes. Everyone else does. Everyone else will. With life comes change. But His house will stand forever. His love will last for eternity. We can find peace and rest in His unchanging grace. And that, my friends, is something that we should be thanking Him for every single day.

So that is what God has been revealing to me through His awesome! Remember His truths that He has spoken over you. He will never leave you or forsake you. He loves you. Even when everything seems like it is changing, He lasts forever.

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