Monday, December 24, 2012

We Can Still Do The Impossible

Hey everyone! I have been in Southeast Asia for about 2 weeks now but it feels like much longer. It is so crazy how much God can do in just 2 weeks. His faithfulness and goodness just keeps pouring out on us. But of course it does. Why wouldn't it?

As I lay in my bed tonight writing this post and marveling at another beautiful day, I am reminded of how God likes to awe us with His mighty works. I have read so many stories in the Bible that just seem impossible and don't make much sense but I realize that this is the very nature of God.

I bet when God asked Joshua to march around the city of Jericho once each day for six days and seven times on the seventh day while 7 priests blew their horns, it didn't make much sense to him, but he had faith. I bet when Jesus told His disciples to pass out five loaves of bread and two fish to over five thousand people, they looked at Him like He was crazy, but they had faith. Noah spent 120 years building an ark and people told him everyday that he was crazy. Everyday for 120 years! He should have given up, but he had faith.

As I think about these stories I look at them as awesome examples of God's amazing power, faithfulness and love but still sometimes I don't really believe in my heart that this could still be possible. I think that maybe Joshua, the disciples, or Noah had something that I don't. But this isn't true. God is the same yesterday, today and always. And we are ALL created in His image and called to do things before our existence (Jeremiah 1:5). This means that all these impossible things could just as easily happen to us too! Radical stuff, extraordinary stuff, it still exists!

I want big things from God. We want big things from God but then we think it is strange when He asks us to march around a city until it falls down, to feed five thousand people or to build an ark. But we CAN ask God for big things. He wants us to ask and He wants to give it to us. He wants us to have unimaginable faith in His mighty works.

I know that I live a crazy life, and I know that some mornings when I wake up and think that an impossible task is before me, that God will come and meet me there. He will meet me with impossible strength and love. I serve the same God today that used Moses, a murderer, to part the Red Sea. A God who let Peter, who would deny Him, walk on water. A God who looks at me, in all my fallen weakness and says, "you can do the impossible."

It is mind blowing when I sit there and marvel at this truth. The God of the entire universe has chosen me to be a part of His great and mighty works. He actually doesn't need me at all. He can do it all by Himself but He wants me to do this journey with Him. He has given me destiny and purpose and calls me to reign in His truth that He will be with me wherever I go.

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